Asia Broadband

Asia Broadband, Inc. (OTC: AABB) confirms that it has extended its partnership with Platinum Crypto Academy for yet another year. After a busy 12 months in which a shift was made towards focusing on the company’s crypto offerings, the coming year is sure to be yet another equally full of innovation and growth for the US-based resource company.

With its strong foundation in the production, supply, and sale of precious and base metals, Asia Broadband built on this position of strength to launch the AABB Gold Token (AABBG) in March 2021, backed by $30 million of its own gold bullion. This confident move paved the way for a more extensive crypto offering that only continues to grow regardless of the current bear market.

The AABB Gold Token

AABBG was the first crypto offering from Asia Broadband, and it remains its cornerstone one year on.

As a hybrid cryptocurrency backed by the underlying price of gold, AABBG functions in the same way as a stablecoin with the token price supported at a minimum of 0.1 grams of the spot price of gold.

The unique aspect of AABBG is its vertical integration of mine-to-token gold-backing, which is unlike any other gold-backed cryptocurrency. AABBG benefits from the upsides of both gold and cryptocurrency, delivering a built-in level of price stability without negating the potential for price appreciation from both markets.

The AABB Wallet and Exchange

To support and drive up the rate of adoption of AABBG, the company also released the AABB Wallet and a proprietary digital exchange called AABB Exchange.

These new additions to the company’s crypto offerings give AABBG token holders quick and easy access to liquidity and the ability to instantly exchange AABG for other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Solana.

Enter PayAABB

The latest addition to the Asia Broadband’s crypto offering is the exciting PayAABB product, expected to launch in June/July 2022. This new payment gateway allows merchants and retailers to receive crypto payments simply and without any hassle. 

Merchants can offer their customers the opportunity to complete transactions in Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Litecoin, AABBG & more as a payment option on their website. Customers can also pay for services and products through social messages, email, and SMS via a QR code.

With no hardware required and a quick and seamless setup process, PayAABB sees Asia Broadband push the envelope once more as they take their crypto project to the next level.

Bears clear the ground for the next bull run

With many investors quite rightly wary of entering the markets right now given the bearish sentiment, the smart know that today is the perfect time to build. Asia Broadband has been following this old adage to a tee and while chaos reigns elsewhere, they are moving confidently into the future.

With gold performing its centuries old habit of proving to be a solid hedge against wider economic uncertainty, the opportunity to invest in a crypto project whose foundations are grounded in the stability of gold sounds like a great bet as we patiently wait for the bulls to run once more.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article for further coverage please check out our crypto Blog Page Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Live from the Platinum Crypto Trading Floor.

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