Today’s article focuses on the QoinSuit cryptocurrency trading platform and the major impact this can have for crypto traders.
Cryptos have been created for carrying out P2P transactions without involving any central bank or government.
There are several cryptos with different design objectives. These goals are designed to provide an alternative to cash (Bitcoin Cash, Monero, and Bitcoin), to support P2P trading through the creation of tokens, for securely accessing a service or good in P2P trading, as well as support the protocol or underlying platform.
However, a lack of adequate money management strategy can cause cryptocurrency investors to suffer significant impairments, at times around 95%, as occurred in the 2018 mass market wipe out. Besides, when they run out of capital, the investors also lose the potential to earn profit.
This is where companies like QoinIQ come into the picture. QoinIQ has created the QoinSuit Cryptocurrency Trading Platform that uses a range of features and innovations to improve every trader’s tools, processes, and risk management strategies.
QoinSuit can be interfaced with different exchanges. It is reliable, fast, and easy to customize to match the investor’s needs. Given the untapped scope and potential of cryptos and the core blockchain technology that supports it, QoinIQ has designed a unique platform for negotiating cryptos to enable different financial actors to benefit from the current opportunities the cryptocurrency economy is capable of offering. Simultaneous access to different exchanges offers unmatched execution efficiency and the platform’s decentralized order management system puts you in the driver’s seat and gives you complete autonomy in the realization of your investment strategies.
The QoinSuit Cryptocurrency Trading Platform has been created by and for traders. Through QoinSuit, QoinIQ aims to extend its services to private banks, crypto exchanges, asset management firms, family offices, brokerage houses, and other firms or individuals who do not belong to the financial industry but hold cryptos in their portfolios, or those who issue their cryptocurrencies.
The QoinIQ platform offers a host of functions, including the toolbar, watchlist, horizontal book, vertical book, order entry, conditional order entry, portfolio, and more.
The watchlist function on the QoinIQ platform is designed for the following purposes:
– Monitoring the entire course of the coin lists.
– Customizing individual watchlists in terms of colors and content.
– Choosing markets and cryptos by clicking the drop-down menu. These are displayed on QoinIQ’s watchlist alongside their respective rates.
– Using the items on the tab. This is done by clicking every column label and sorting the digital coins in descending or ascending order.
– By clicking the button, crypto investing enthusiasts can access the horizontal book and its numerous functions (including price info, volume, order entry, P&L, trend, etc.)
– Accessing the charting tool offered by Trading View, opening as many chart boxes as necessary, either for different cryptos, or different chart types and analysis of the same crypto, etc.
– Opening the vertical book and its functions (such as price info, volume, trend, order entry, etc.)
Horizontal Book
Apart from the watchlist, individuals interested in cryptocurrency investing can also access QoinIQ’s horizontal book function to monitor all cryptocurrency trends by simply displaying ten buy and ten sell pricing levels, as well as depicting the previously completed 30 trades, including a timestamp.
They can use the arrows found below the ticker to scroll through the deep book, as well as for viewing all the additional trades carried out previously. The Horizontal book allows cryptocurrency investing enthusiasts to submit their trade orders and generate visual confirmations of the trade orders sent. Also, the section on the top of the Horizontal book window displays all the previously traded price, the change in percentage in comparison to the previous day’s closing price, the trend, as well the position details in the portfolio of the user for the instrument selected by him/her.
In essence, the Horizontal Book consists of comprehensive information, which enables professional traders and simple investors to place their orders and monitor the crypto price trends. They can use the book to keep track of all the positions visually and design trading strategies through the use of conditional orders.
Conditional Orders
The Conditional orders function allows traders to place three distinct types of orders including, stop loss, take profit, and trailing.
The stop-loss order type helps to safeguard the client’s position automatically during adverse market conditions, thus limiting losses. Using the QoinSuit platform, one can enter the stop-loss order aside from their main orders, indicating the price or percentage, which can trigger the selling condition. Apart from this, one can also choose the order type (with a percentage gap, if desired) using which the trade position shall be closed, market or limit.
When you choose Market, QoinSuit will launch the selling order as and when the conditions mentioned by the trader are met. As a result, the Stop-Loss will become a Market trade order and executed at the best available quote for purchasing.
When you choose a Limit order as the order type, the selling will take place at the price specified (which means it won’t become the Market order). Also, one can insert an extra percentage “spread” to ensure that the trade order is filled. On the other hand, the Take Profit order is used for realizing profits as and when the crypto market moves towards the preferred direction, automatically closing the trade position when the existing parameters have been met. Lastly, Trailing stop order is used for maximizing your trading activity’s profitability. It lets you dynamically follow the crypto market trend to grow your profits while minimizing losses simultaneously.
With QoinSuit, traders interested in cryptocurrency investing can configure the range as either percentage or price and activate it together with the main trade order or after the latter is executed (directly from the trading portfolio).
The Vertical Book
The Vertical Book function offered by QoinSuit lets you enter and modify the futures buying and selling orders in just a couple of clicks. Once you have specified the financial instrument’s quantity that you wish to negotiate, you can place your Market order by clicking on any given cell of the bid or ask side to sell or buy, corresponding to the preferred price level.
The Vertical book also offers mouse trading functionality. Thus, when a trader clicks on any cell in the price column, it auto enters the value in the pricing field underneath, allowing you to continue your trade. Once entered, such a limit order gets highlighted on the column until its execution.
Traders can also enter conditional orders in the Vertical book directly, with a single mouse-click. As a result, the system shall auto recognize the main trade order, and when one of the conditional trader orders is met, it cancels the rest.
The Portfolio function helps traders to take a look at the real-time details of their position. Thus, cryptocurrency investing enthusiasts can use this functionality to view the wallet type in use, the currency symbol, the quantity or balance of the cryptos in their portfolio. It is also used for viewing the average purchasing price available for their position, residual, or quantity available of a trade position that they may draw upon at the time of placing selling orders, hypothetical profit, and loss for their position. They can also click on the advanced order button to open a popup and launch their order directly.
In addition to the above functions, QoinIQ also offers the QoinIQ utility token to its users to access the QoinSuit platform and its services. Users can use the token for accessing the different levels of the QoinSuit platform. Thus, every level shall provide access to chosen exchanges, varying in terms of the membership level selected by the trader, allow a certain number of, up to unlimited, trades per period, etc. Apart from this, users will also use the tokens for accessing QoinSuit’s training version, as well as for participating in the personal training sessions.
To sum up, QoinIQ’s QoinSuit Cryptocurrency Trading Platform is an excellent choice for traders enthusiastic about cryptocurrency investing. The platform allows them to manage their books while executing trade orders in different cryptos on numerous exchanges. At the heart of the QoinSuit platform is decentralized order management, market overview, extended conditional orders, multi-book trading, high-frequency trading, margin trading, real-time price comparison, and a host of other functions that make it ideal for cryptocurrency investing and trading. With features such as multi-screen display, multi-window display, customizable watchlist, the horizontal book, toolbar, graphic tool, advanced order, portfolio window, etc., the QoinSuit Cryptocurrency Trading Platform puts the entire world of cryptocurrencies into your hands. So, if you are serious about cryptocurrency investing, and intend to earn profits by trading on a one-stop platform that allows you to access and trade on different exchanges, then QoinIQ’s QoinSuit platform is where you should be heading next.
To learn more about the QoinSuit Cryptocurrency Trading Platform, visit
Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article. Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day! Live from the Platinum Crypto Trading Floor.
Earnings Disclaimer: The information you’ll find in this article is for educational purpose only. We make no promise or guarantee of income or earnings. You have to do some work, use your best judgement and perform due diligence before using the information in this article. Your success is still up to you. Nothing in this article is intended to be professional, legal, financial and/or accounting advice. Always seek competent advice from professionals in these matters. If you break the city or other local laws, we will not be held liable for any damages you incur.